Life, Well-Designed.

Our Guide to Living an Intentional, Organized and Beautiful Life

Grab Your Pen! How to Start Planning Your Academic Year

Grab Your Pen! How to Start Planning Your Academic Year


As we move into the second half of the year and prepare for a new school year, it's the perfect time to reflect on the past and get excited about what's...

The Secret to Saving Time: How Planning Boosts Efficiency

The Secret to Saving Time: How Planning Boosts Efficiency


In today's fast-paced world, time is a limited resource that cannot be replenished. When it comes to how we use it, we often find ourselves juggling...

Which Planner Size Is Best For Me?

Which Planner Size Is Best For Me?


When it comes to planning, everyone is different! You may have more to plan or less. You may like to write out every task in your planner or just the most...

Which Planner is Right For Me: Daily or Weekly?

Which Planner is Right For Me: Daily or Weekly?


Finding the perfect planner to fit your life can feel daunting! Sometimes you know as soon as you see it while other times it takes more research. Some of us...

Turn Your Bucket List Into a Reality in 3 Steps

Turn Your Bucket List Into a Reality in 3 Steps


We've all heard the saying "life is short" and it's true! We have a limited amount of time not only on this earth but also in the year ahead and in the...

Bring More Quality Time + Connection Into Your Life

Bring More Quality Time + Connection Into Your Life


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to get caught up in work deadlines, errands, other commitments, and the overpowering pull of...

6 Easy Ways to Reclaim Your Motivation

6 Easy Ways to Reclaim Your Motivation


Are you struggling lately with finding the motivation to get things done? We've certainly been there! Motivation is something we need daily to keep...

5 Easy Tips to Maintain Good Habits This Year

5 Easy Tips to Maintain Good Habits This Year


February is here, and if you're anything like us, you kicked off the year with some exceptionally good habits. But as the days pass, it's easy to feel the...

The Importance of Goals That Cultivate Balance

The Importance of Goals That Cultivate Balance


Mark Victor Hansen once stated, "By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be....

How to Get Organized With Your New Planner

How to Get Organized With Your New Planner


As we step into a new year, armed with fresh intentions and a determined spirit, there's no better time to grab your planner and start mapping out the...