6 Easy Ways to Reclaim Your Motivation

6 Easy Ways to Reclaim Your Motivation

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Are you struggling lately with finding the motivation to get things done? We've certainly been there!

Motivation is something we need daily to keep ourselves on task, yet, unfortunately, it is affected by many factors. Our enthusiasm can come and go based on how we're feeling physically, the status of our relationships, the environment surrounding us, and countless other circumstances...

But while it's easy to place blame, what matters most is that we find a way to tap into our motivation when it's MIA! Wondering how to get motivated? There are a handful of simple ways that you can revive your enthusiasm, get back on track, and find success in whatever it is that matters most to you.

6 Easy Ways to Reclaim Your Motivation

1. Make a Schedule

A schedule is an important tool when it comes to staying on track. When you have a schedule, you'll be less likely to lose focus and more likely to stay on a path to success. Find a planner that works for you – one that helps you map out your day, manage your time, and prioritize.

2. Work Towards a Deadline

If you are like most people, if you have a deadline to meet, you will do your best to meet it! When you don’t have a deadline, things often get pushed aside, allowing other things to become a priority instead. By setting deadlines for yourself, you'll feel more inspired to complete your tasks versus veering off course.

3. Break Big Goals Into Small Steps

By setting small goals, you'll be more likely to stay on track and finish each task. Celebrating each small win (even if it's just with a strikethrough or a checkmark!) will encourage you to keep going, boost your self-esteem, and motivate you to take on the next challenge. 

4. Ask for Support! 

By holding yourself accountable to someone, you'll multiply your chances of staying motivated! Make your goals official by sharing them with an accountability partner. Much like how meeting a friend at the gym helps get you there, holding yourself accountable to someone is sure to boost your motivation in amazing ways.

A trusted friend or colleague will help you stay on track. You're not alone in this! He or she can listen, help, or hold you accountable.

5. Keep Healthy Habits

The status of your physical well-being can affect your level of drive. You'll likely feel sluggish when you don’t eat healthy foods, come up short on your hydration, or miss out on sleep. A healthy, well-balanced lifestyle can do wonders for increasing your chances of keeping motivated!

Begin with the basics - eat, sleep, hydrate, repeat! Feeling tired? Take a break. 

6. Remember Your Why

Everyone struggles when it comes to doing something that isn't connected to a higher purpose, goal, or value in life. When your motivation dips, remind yourself of your why! All of the techniques above can boost your enthusiasm for getting things done, but remembering your why will keep you motivated for much longer than even the best motivational technique!

What about you? How do you stay motivated and on track when you don’t feel up to the tasks at hand? Share with us in the comments below. Plus, sign up to receive our top tips delivered directly to your email inbox!

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